उत्पाद वर्णन
- Reckon HBsAg (Hepa) is a rapid direct binding screening test for the presence of Hepatitis B surface antigen in whole blood / Serum / Plasma.
- HBsAg rapid test is a qualitative test based on immunochromography sandwich principle. The test card includes a combination of monoclonal antibody gold conjugate (colloidal gold) and polyclonal solid phase antibodies which selectively bind Hepatitis B surface antigen with a high degree of sensitivity.
- Sensitivity: 0.5ng/ml (including both ad & ay subtypes)
- Simple to perform and read.
Product names with pack sizes
- HBsAg (HEPA Card) - 50 test
- HBsAg (HEPA Card)P. series - 50 test
- HBsAg (WB) (HEPA Card) - 50 test
- HBsAg (HEPA Strip) - 100 test
- POCT HBsAg (HEPA Card) - 50 test